Monday, June 6, 2016


Seventy-two years ago today, the greatest military land invasion from the sea in history was launched in the D-Day assault of the Allies on the Axis powers on the beaches of Normandy, France. Operation Overlord saw 13 different fighting forces, with over 150,000 soldiers, assault the Nazi German military machine on that horrific day. Over 4,400 allied soldiers were killed on that fateful day as the Allies initiated the liberation of Western Europe. Planning for the assault had taken over a year, and the secrecy and deception of its planning and execution was nothing short of miraculous. The amphibious landings were ushered in by overwhelming naval and aerial bombardment and an airborne assault force of over 24,000 paratroopers. Because of the winds, much of the initial assault force was blown into the heaviest Nazi gun emplacements.

     What we need to understand is that we were dragged into a war we did not want by an enemy with intentions to conquer the world and destroy our way of life. The enemy had no regard for life and was driven by an evil philosophy which was ruthless at best and pure evil at its worst. The critical factor was that the Allies, knowing that they were fighting for the survival of Western Civilization, were committed to the conquest or death in the struggle. Passivity was not an option.

     Each generation seems to face its own challenge. After winning the Second World War, the Cold War followed fast on its heels. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq... and it continues to this day. The survival of freedom and liberty comes at a high price. Continuous vigilance is the minimal requirement. Yet our caution must be both outward and inward. If our nation cannot be destroyed by enemies militarily from without, we very much can be destroyed by the corruption of our nation's foundations within. So as we look back with gratitude to those who fought and died to preserve our way of life, may we purpose in our hearts to protect and defend the principles that established our nation. The notion that Christians need not be involved in the political process is reaping a bitter fruit in this election season. Principles which made America great have been denigrated and rejected by many. Old fashioned infidelity has grown stronger but offers nothing to replace the values it has spurned. It is way past time for believers and patriots to stand up and be counted. May those who come after us also look back with gratitude at the stands we took, and the convictions we held dear. May we be willing to sacrifice our lives for the things that matter.

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